Sam Finlayson
Samuel Finlayson is a pediatrics–genetics combined resident at Seattle Children’s Hospital and the University of Washington. He completed his undergrad and master’s at Stanford in biomedical informatics, and did an MD–PhD at Harvard & MIT with a research focus on machine learning/artificial intelligence in the labs of HMS DBMI’s Isaac Kohane as well as MIT CSAIL’s Peter Szolovitz. He is also the co-founder of a non-profit for Hydrocephalus research, which he and his family started in honor of his sister Kate who passed on from the condition at 26. Academically, he passionate about pediatric rare disease and hope to continue working at the intersection of tech, therapeutics, and nonprofits in this space. Sam and his wife are the lucky parents of two daughters (Emma 4 and Audrey 2) and are thrilled to live in Seattle where they can raise them near the outdoors.