Marinka Zitnik
Marinka Zitnik is an Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical School, at Kempner Institute for the Study of Natural and Artificial Intelligence at Harvard University, and at Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. Zitnik investigates the foundations of AI that contribute to the scientific understanding of medicine and therapeutic design, eventually enabling AI to learn and innovate on its own. Her research won best paper and research awards, including the Kavli Fellowship of the National Academy of Sciences, Kaneb Fellowship award at Harvard Medical School, NSF CAREER Award, awards from the International Society for Computational Biology, International Conference in Machine Learning, Bayer Early Excellence in Science, Amazon Faculty Research, Google Faculty Research, Roche Alliance with Distinguished Scientists, and Sanofi iDEA-iTECH Award. Zitnik founded Therapeutics Data Commons, a global open-science initiative to access and evaluate AI across stages of development and therapeutic modalities, and she served as the faculty lead of the AI4Science initiative.