Graham Brooks

Partner, .406 Ventures
Fireside Chat Speaker

Graham leads data and AI investing for .406 Ventures. Having spent his whole career in data and AI, it’s natural that he has been focused there since joining the firm in 2007. He employs a thesis-driven approach which allows .406 to be ahead of the curve in identifying the next transformative companies; these include deep tech companies disrupting the data stack, ML/AI enablers, and highly disruptive AI-aps. In addition to investing, he runs the firm’s college and university outreach program, .406 Student Fellows. Directing this program has not only put him in front of the next generation of leading founders but has also reinforced his connection to deep research companies operating within academic settings as well.

At .406 Graham has led and been part of the boards for 20+ data and AI investments including: Abacus Insights, Bobsled, ChaosSearch, ClosedLoop, Indico, Keebo, Linea, Mythica, Nace, Portrait Analytics, Promethium, RapidFire, Reltio, Simon Data, plus several investments still in stealth. He has been involved with exited companies including: AbleTo (recapitalized by Optum), AdTuitive (acquired by Etsy), Compass (NYSE: COMP), Corvus Insurance (acquired by Travelers), Digitalsmiths (acquired by TiVo) and Iora (acquired by One Medical and later by Amazon).

Prior to .406 Graham was an AI engineer and DBA at ALK Technologies, Cofounder and Head of Sales at Accentus and BizDev/Corp Dev for Bose Corporation. Graham was a Kauffman Fellow, holds an MBA from the Tuck School at Dartmouth where he was a Tuck Scholar, and has an engineering degree from Princeton University where he majored in computer science.

Graham Brooks