Ewen Harrison

Professor of Surgery and Data Science, University of Edinburgh

Ewen Harrison, OBE, MBChB, PhD, is Professor of Surgery and Data Science at the University of Edinburgh and a Consultant HPB Surgeon at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.

He is Director of the Centre for Medical Informatics in the Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh. He leads the Surgical and Critical Care Informatics group, performing data-driven research focused on improving patient outcomes after surgery. His interests include AI/machine learning, mobile data collection platforms and wearables, decision modelling, and global collaborative research.

He leads the NIHR Unit on Global Surgery at the University of Edinburgh, a collaboration with the University of Birmingham. This provides a platform for the GlobalSurg/COVIDSurg Collaborative, recognised by Guiness World Records as largest scientific consortium worldwide (15,000 individuals across 116 countries).

His work in COVID-19 was recognised with an OBE in the King’s New Year’s Honours, and he has been appointed a Fellow of both the Academic of Medical Sciences and the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Ewen Harrison