Andrew Vickers

Attending Research Methodologist, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Andrew Vickers, PhD, is an Attending Research Methodologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Dr. Vickers has conducted extensive methodologic and empirical research in clinical trials, patient-reported outcomes, prediction modelling and molecular markers. He developed novel, streamlined, trial methodologies that have allowed large randomized trials to be conducted at very low cost; spearheaded methods for adapting patient-reported outcomes instruments into clinical care; created decision curve analysis, now a routine statistical method for the evaluation of prediction models; was the statistician behind the 4Kscore, the first laboratory test to give a predicted probability of disease, and which is in wide use in urologic practice to inform decisions about prostate biopsy. Dr Vickers has a strong interest in teaching statistics and is author of the introductory textbook “What is a p-value anyway?”. Dr. Vickers spearheads a number of innovative informatics initiatives throughout MSK, including patient-reported outcomes, part of his work as Co-Director of the PRO-CEL Core Facility, and the Amplio surgical quality assurance system.

Andrew Vickers